
Looking Forward to Writing 

 February 24, 2016

By  Jana Hassett

I’ve come from writing press releases to a weeky column for the Garield County Insider, to a travel blog, and I’ve written several grants over the past 8 years – both for Escalante City and private industry – just shy of a million dollars. We moved to Enoch from Escalante this winter and am ready to start writing an historical fiction about my great Grandmother who was a Kaw Indian. I’d like to create a mini book to go along with my mini baskets and I plan to spend more time blogging.

Since a college professor told me I’d never be a good writer I’ve spent the last 26 years trying to prove her wrong.  The best part of the adventure is discovering how much fun it is to write.  I’m hoping to connect with other writers locally and learn about their adventure.

Until next time – – – – –

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