
It’s A Small World 

 March 16, 2016

By  Jana Hassett

We attract the same energy we put out!

The Dandelion Fairy, she lives among the yellow blooms where her world is sweeter and less difficult. With golden wings and striped green suit, she can only be seen when she wants you to share her magical, miniature world.

It's A Small World
Dandelion Fairy Card – Copyright Cicely Mary Barker, English Artist

Nestled amongst the forest of pointed leaves, giant puffballs stand ready to coat her world with tiny bits of fluff even the ladybugs avoid. Chunks of agate serve as welcome benches to rest from the midday sun. An occasional mist keeps her dandelion forest growing sprouts of new plants providing tomorrows shade.

She flits from leaf to leaf, teasing the bumble bees as they feast on the pollen. It’s a world of few words, but endless joy and beauty. A place of fantasies and unique creatures that only require that you believe in their magic – if only for a moment.

We attract the same energy we put out!

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