
Beginning Again – A New Year 2015 

 December 25, 2014

By  Jana Hassett

We’ve had our retail operation closed since Oct. 31st and I miss meeting people, helping them and retailing in general. But these old bones can’t take the standing anymore.

We were blessed in completion of our closure plan. It took about 18 months to implement Phase I. Now for Phase II – clean out the commercial building. We need to get our dream out of the way so someone else can bring theirs in. We’ve made one huge load to the storage facility, now we’ll take a load every time we go to Cedar City.

In addition, the small amount of misc. giftware will go up on ebay. Tracy has finished photographing everything. We’ll get started in the new year. There’s about 25 small pieces of Navajo Potter, a couple of baskets of beads, a basket of baskets, and misc.

Phase III is to alter the product line, focus on beaded basketry and Jewelry and spend quality time together. It feels good to laugh and play.

Wishing you all an excellent New Year. It is a time of change. We have written our goals and dreams for 2015. I’ll tell you how that goes as the year proceeds.

Many blessings to you all.

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