
Bloomburg Businessweek 2/4 – 2/10/13 

 February 11, 2013

By  Jana Hassett

Top 5

#5   Living in Rural Utah you see things differently ,not like Singapore where you have to wrestle with the other 20,182 people per sq. mile to see the landscape; or Israelites with 967 people per square mile.  Garfield County, Utah doesn’t even have one whole person per sq mile.

#4   Chinese New Year ushered in the year of the Black Water Snake.    Behind-the-scenes talks, secret negotiations and clandestine activity will bring unexpected changes to our lives.  Things are not what they seem in a Snake year but the real snakes of the high desert aren’t that secretive.  They delight in the heat of the sun and don’t attack unless frightened.  The cattle that graze on the Grand Staircase pretty much ignore them, but the drought has impacted their ability to find feed as well.  The US beef cattle herd is at its smallest size since 1952.  Looks like we’ll be eating Pork, Chicken, Turkey and lots of vegetables – at least if we want to stay within our budget.

#3   Oops – remember the Dodge Dart?  Chrysler hoped so – but they tried to sell it to a generation that didn’t – and it’s still a Fiat in a Toyota World

#2   The growing discussion on road conditions and alternative energy autos has Governors concerned that “…Americans are driving more miles yet using less gas, thanks to more fuel-efficient cars”  This results in less gas tax revenue and the Governor of Virginia would like to “put a $100 registration fee on fuel-efficient vehicles.”  More unintended consequences.

#1   Sarah Hepola reviewed the new Simon & Schuster published book “Truth in Advertising” by John Kenney.  Sarah calls Kenney “an amusing writer” and declares “the novel has the frothy feel of a romantic comedy.”  This delightful book about the advertising industry and Super Bowl Sunday ads will add some humor to your day as long as you remember that those in the field believe we need their help because we don’t know “how to live, because life is baffling and strange”.  I’m afraid that logic is lost in our house where we mute all the TV ads.

Until next week.

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